Nicola Chodan

Nicola Chodan

Nicola Chodan studiert an der Hochschule Macromedia und verbringt ihr Auslandssemester in Litauen an der VDK (Vilnius College of Design).

In ihren Blogbeiträge beschreibt sie ihre Eindrücke und Erlebnisse aus ihrer Zeit in Vilnius.

Artikel von Nicola

Saying goodbye to Vilnius, but definitely not the last time!

Sveiki, or should I change back to Hallo now? The last weeks in Vilnius went by faster than I could have ever imagined.
Von Nicola Chodan
5. March 2020 - 1 Minute zu lesen

From late Fall to Winter in 30 days

Sveiki, just now it had 25 degrees and perfectly on time in October the seasons changed.
Von Nicola Chodan
13. December 2019 - 1 Minute zu lesen

Vilnius – The place to be!

Sveiki! or Labas!, this is how Lithuanian people greet each other. As you can see, one month in and I am already a native.
Von Nicola Chodan
25. September 2019 - 2 Minuten zu lesen