Janek Josten

Janek Josten

Der Macromedia Student Janek Josten vom Campus Köln reist für sein Auslandssemester nach Kalifornien. An der California State University Channel Islands wird er für ein Semester studieren und neue Erfahrungen sammeln.

Diese teilt er in seinen Blogbeiträgen und gewährt Einblicke in seinen Alltag in Camarillo.

Artikel von Janek

Back Home in Germany

Wow! I can´t believe that I`m back home in Germany for almost 2 months, yet. This is so crazy and unreal.
Von Janek Josten
8. March 2018 - 2 Minuten zu lesen

Goodbye America – see you soon

Today I´m going to tell you all about how I went through the last four months of my life as a student at the CSUCI and what are the next steps.
Von Janek Josten
13. December 2017 - 1 Minute zu lesen

Camarillo: Big, Bigger – AMERICA

I want to tell you about my first impressions about the United States and California and how my first days at the university went through.
Von Janek Josten
4. October 2017 - 2 Minuten zu lesen