Sagar Sharma

Sagar Sharma

Hi! I am Sagar, 23 years old and I am currently in the 7th semester studying International Management degree program at the Macromedia Campus in Berlin. I have been living in Berlin for the past 4 years and I have always been very much interested in financial and business studies along with gaining some IT skills, for this very reason I was lucky enough to secure a six month internship at Raisin GmbH in Berlin 6 months ago in August 2023. Raisin GmbH is well-known in the fin-tech sector and now it is one of the most successful fin-techs in the EU. I will be reporting about my experiences regarding my internship with the company and the results of my work with the company

Artikel von Sagar

Excelling in Your Internship

Embarking on an internship is not just about completing tasks; it's an opportunity to make a lasting impression on your team.
Von Sagar Sharma
29. February 2024 - 1 Minute zu lesen

A Prelude to Professional Growth

As I walked through the glass doors of Raisin GmbH in Berlin, a mix of nerves and excitement pulsed through my veins.
Von Sagar Sharma
27. February 2024 - 2 Minuten zu lesen

Crafting Your Path to Professional Growth

Embarking on the journey to find internships in Germany can be both exciting and challenging.
Von Sagar Sharma
20. February 2024 - 1 Minute zu lesen